Capitalize on the expertise of others to drive innovative thinking, creative problem solving, and organizational growth. An important aspect of leadership team development is the ability to reflect regularly and engage in constructive dialogue about successes and setbacks. This requires courage, openness and a genuine willingness to question one’s own behavior and actions. But this is the only way we can truly work effectively as a leadership team and achieve our goals. For seasoned leaders, the executive team shouldn’t represent the summit of their professional development, but rather a new challenge that requires them to continue to learn and grow. They must also bring this perspective to their direct reports and others with whom they interact, encouraging them to develop beyond their technical expertise.
Brooks International will introduce proven methods that enable your executives to build stronger strategies, tactics and behavioral skills – individually and within teams. We deliver rapid, measurable, sustainable improvements in senior management and executive level team performance and behavior. Sometimes executive teams can function as a group of solo contributors, but often that isn’t enough.
Maintaining a Team
Customised and focused executive team building is required to help you reach this zone faster. For more information about how team building activities can benefit your senior leadership team, just reach out to our Employee Engagement Consultants. The most interesting themes are those that suggest the organization, not the leader, could have done a lot differently to help ensure an effective leadership team. The four themes below are strategies organizations can incorporate into their leadership selection, development, succession planning, and engagement processes.
- The LFI consulting experience has helped 260 leading nonprofits in the Atlanta, Washington, DC, Seattle, Boston, Chicago, Detroit increase the impact they have in their communities.
- The success of any senior leadership team relies on their ability to work as an interdependent, interactive unit.
- When teams work through my senior leadership program, they can break through this phase and leap into the next zone of 80%+ trust or more.
- For the last several years I have been helping senior leadership teams improve their effectiveness, both as a team and as team members .
- Complete the form for more information about our Executive Team Development program.
Our leadership team training program aims to address and solve real issues companies face by supporting healthy conflict and eliminating egos. To pull off true leadership development, a high level of support is required from your organization, as is a cohesive, shared vision of the direction you are headed. Without a compelling sense and clear articulation of which course to follow, team members won’t buy into the plan and are likely to focus on maximizing their own success rather than the success of the team. Learn what it takes to build a highly effective senior leadership team, including how to get insights that will make your senior team better. As famed executive chef Gordon Ramsey says, “Teams need leaders, and leaders need structures.” Without a framework for organizational operations, businesses quickly become unproductive, inefficient, and chaotic.
Most Common Challenges for Executive Teams
A high-performing executive team must be able to implement new strategies and navigate challenges together to drive lasting performance amidst rapidly changing circumstances. Additionally, our research has shown that high-performing executive teams are characterized by 3 critical threads including a strong strategic focus, collective approach, and effective team interaction. To build these skills and improve in these areas, senior leadership team development and executive stages of team development explained team building can help. Our elite group of Organizational Leadership experts have experience in every major business sector. We can work with you to assess the current effectiveness of your executive team, then partner with you for executive team building and senior leadership team development to create lasting change. We’ll take a deep dive into who you are and where your organization wants to be — because your leadership journey should be as unique as you are.
Bringing awareness to what was previously unconscious or undiscussable. When the implicit is made explicit, this is followed by increased understanding and insights into the perspectives and viewpoints of others.
But then, they will also need to come together as a full group to collaboratively assemble their sections into a fully-functioning device. So, you’ll need to put your problem-solving skills to the test as you share theories, collaborate, and think outside the box with your fellow investigators. Above all, your executives should always be held to higher standards than anyone else. Productive Collaboration—the skills to facilitate interactions that maximize group and individual practical and personal needs. A Unified Purpose—a common and unified sense of what the team is there to achieve. One could argue that the whole point for having a team is to bring exponential value to a lofty objective.
How to Build a High-Performing Executive Team
Your executives are struggling to adapt to changing business conditions. Executive teams who do not adopt agile team practices put the organization at risk of losing pace with its competitors. Harness diversity to cultivate teams that are more self-aware and produce greater results. Break down silos between divisions and enable a more partner-focused approach within the business. Research offers overwhelming evidence that groups of extremely bright and talented individuals often appreciably underperform when compared to groups of average or above-average talent.
However, the goal of a person building a team should always be to develop a group of people who do. A strong executive leadership team must complement one another’s strengths, weaknesses, disposition, and innate leadership abilities. When the hiring process is treated as a careless exercise, you wind up with a disjointed, haphazardly put-together team. To thrive in our increasingly complex world, companies must move beyond digitization and reimagine what they do to create value.
To build a high-performing leadership team, leaders must first identify the structural and relational challenges preventing their team from reaching its full potential. Once identified, business leaders can begin to design a diverse, well-equipped leadership team that drives positive business results. Senior leadership teams must be able to implement new strategies and navigate challenges together to drive lasting performance and adapt in rapidly changing, uncertain environments. Enables you as a leader to build and sustain a high-performing team by maximizing your team’s talent and innovation potential through trust-building, inclusive leadership, and growth mindset.
Why Invest in Executive Team Development?
I am aware of my rights and the ways in which my data will be used as referenced in DDI’s Data Privacy Policy. I will ensure that all team members contribute ideas and have input when making decisions. Courageous Decision Making—the ability to make effective and courageous decisions that minimize individual and group biases.
For leaders, having the ability to build, develop and maintain an effective team provides a distinct advantage. Team-building skills are integral to being an effective leader and accelerate careers and provide long-lasting benefits to the organization served by these transformational leaders. Symbio works with executives to maximize the benefits of their leadership strengths, while building a stronger team. A team that is cohesive, in alignment with one another, appreciative of the strengths each member brings to the whole. Just as organizations need to adapt to changing business conditions, so do the executive teams supporting those changes. Many teams struggle to break away from “how it’s always been done” and are resistant to new, more agile techniques.
If you want to learn more about how I can help improve your results, contact me here. Essentially, leadership teams are either moving forwards or sliding backwards. If leadership behaviours, don’t adapt, things aren’t getting better, they’re getting worse. The chart below represents how much your team trusts one another which impacts how effectively you can execute on ambitious goals.
Characteristics of an Effective Senior Leadership Team
Contact us and see how our consulting services can help you achieve your business goals. We help train your HR organization to position itself as preferred partner to drive change and deliver business results. Good teamwork is a prerequisite for both well-being and the ability to create results in the organization. Have productive meetings your team can be proud of with a clear meeting agenda for every event in your calendar. Quickly recover from the effects of stress, build resilience and truly thrive in the workplace and beyond. Discover evidence-based techniques to better manage your physiology and mental state.
LevelUP™ Team Development
While everyone in the group is responsible for outlining ways to fulfill this objective, the CEO’s job is to cast a vision so the group can visualize the finish line. Companies fall apart when there’s no strong, collective vision that executives and their teams all work toward. For example, silos form, and various groups throughout the organization start prioritizing the work they feel is important. When fulfilling the purpose of the businessisthe purpose of the business, executives and all those they guide unify across the board to drive real impact. Apart from this, the leadership team should also strategize on ensuring employees at all levels are growing theirleadership qualities. Whether it be weekly training within various teams, one-on-one mentorship, or a book club, creating a plan that makes leadership a company priority is one of the top responsibilities of this group.
A Common Myth about Optimism in Executive Teams
In this zone, the team is kicking through goals faster than ever before building powerful momentum. These skills can be seamlessly exercised in a team building activity such as Code Break or Clue Murder Mystery. Being a leader is fraught with unique and unexpected challenges, and being able to overcome them as a team is critical to the success of your organization. Forging team camaraderie early and allowing time for members to develop together builds a higher level of comfort and mutual trust.
This skill helps individuals handle interpersonal relationships better. Emotional intelligence is a fundamental quality of the executive team as it fosters productive team communication and interactions. It also enables individuals to see the value in different opinions and perspectives.
We partner with executive leadership teams to create custom programs and establish realistic and measurable performance goals. An executive team, typically composed of senior-level leaders responsible for a variety of critical business functions, crafts an organization’s business strategy, shapes its culture, and drives performance. Effective and successful senior leadership teams work together to break down organizational silos, implement new strategies, and navigate challenges. The success of any senior leadership team relies on their ability to work as an interdependent, interactive unit. Executives share accountability for the achievements and shortcomings of the organization.
When he ran the company, he envisioned its coffee shops as a “third place” where people would spend time, beyond their offices and their homes. And he got involved in the nitty-gritty of bringing his vision to life—deciding, for example, that employees should grind beans to create appealing aromas rather than using flavor-locked bags of ground coffee. He also had big espresso machines replaced by smaller ones so that customers could more easily interact with the baristas making drinks. Schultz even helped select the music that would play in the coffee shops. Creating and retaining a high-performing executive team requires deliberate planning and consistent maintenance.